Personal Bankruptcy

Helping individuals and families in South Florida reduce or get rid of debt with personalized strategies and care.

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Personal Debt Relief Options in Florida

Personal Debt Relief Options in Florida

Facing financial challenges can be overwhelming, but knowing your options for personal bankruptcy in Florida can provide a path to a brighter future. At LSS Law, we understand the weight of debt and the stigma that often comes with bankruptcy. That's why we're committed to helping individuals like you explore the possibilities and benefits of personal bankruptcy. With expert strategy and planning, we aim to remove the financial burden from your shoulders and open the door to a fresh start. Let's dive into the bankruptcy options that may be available to you in the Sunshine State.

Benefits of Filing for Personal Bankruptcy

Fresh Financial Start

Fresh Financial Start
Filing for bankruptcy can be the first step towards a fresh financial start. It allows you to wipe the slate clean by discharging most, if not all, of your unsecured debts, including credit card debt and medical bills. This can free up your income for the essentials, like a mortgage or car loan, and help you begin rebuilding your credit score.

Stopping Foreclosure

Stopping Forclouser
If you’re facing foreclosure, filing for bankruptcy can halt the process and may even provide a way to catch up on missed payments. This can be a lifeline for those who have fallen behind due to overwhelming debt but want to keep their home.

Halting Debt Collection

Halting Aggressive Debt Collection
One of the most immediate advantages is the automatic stay, which stops creditors from pursuing collection actions, including foreclosure and wage garnishments. Once you file, creditors are prohibited from contacting you directly, and even telephone calls demanding payments must stop. This legal reprieve allows you to work on your finances without the added stress of dealing with creditors.

Personal Bankruptcy Options from LSS Law

Chapter 7 Bankruptcy

Chapter 7 bankruptcy, known as liquidation bankruptcy, is a viable option for individuals with limited income who can’t repay their debts. It allows for the discharge of most unsecured debts, like credit card debt and medical bills, through the sale of non-exempt assets by a bankruptcy trustee.
Debt Discharge
Eliminates most unsecured debts quickly and effectively.
Designed for Limited Income
Suitable for those who cannot repay their debts.
Quick Resolution
Offers a clean slate within months.
Relief from Debt Burden
Allows individuals to move forward without overwhelming debt.

Chapter 7 Bankruptcy

Chapter 7 bankruptcy, known as liquidation bankruptcy, is a viable option for individuals with limited income who can’t repay their debts. It allows for the discharge of most unsecured debts, like credit card debt and medical bills, through the sale of non-exempt assets by a bankruptcy trustee.
Debt Discharge
Eliminates most unsecured debts quickly and effectively.
Designed for Limited Income
Suitable for those who cannot repay their debts.
Quick Resolution
Offers a clean slate within months
Relief from Debt Burden
Allows individuals to move forward without overwhelming debt.

Chapter 13 Bankruptcy

Chapter 13 bankruptcy, suited for individuals with regular income who want to retain their assets, is often referred to as a “wage earner’s plan.” It enables the development of a repayment plan to settle all or part of your debts over three to five years, halting creditors’ collection efforts during this period.

Repayment Plan
Allows for debt repayment over three to five years.
Regular Income Requirement
Ideal for those with a steady income.
Creditor Protection
Stops creditors from initiating or continuing collection actions.
Secured Debt Management
Helps catch up on mortgage or car loan payments.
Asset Protection
Averts foreclosure or repossession of property.

Chapter 13 Bankruptcy

Chapter 13 bankruptcy, suited for individuals with regular income who want to retain their assets, is often referred to as a wage earner’s plan. It enables the development of a repayment plan to settle all or part of your debts over three to five years, halting creditors’ collection efforts during this period.
Repayment Plan
Allows for debt repayment over three to five years.
Regular Income Requirement
Ideal for those with a steady income.
Creditor Protection
Stops creditors from initiating or continuing collection actions.
Secured Debt Management
Helps catch up on mortgage or car loan payments.
Asset Protection
Averts foreclosure or repossession of property.

Chapter 11 Individual

Chapter 11 bankruptcy, while commonly associated with businesses, is also available to individuals with substantial debts and assets. It allows for the reorganization of finances and the development of a repayment plan to satisfy creditors over an extended period.

Traditional Chapter 11 - Individual

Comprehensive Reorganization
Enables individuals to restructure their finances and repay debts over time.
Asset Retention
Allows individuals to keep their assets while repaying debts.
Creditor Negotiation
Provides an opportunity to negotiate with creditors for more favorable repayment terms.
Suitable for High-Income Earners
Ideal for individuals with significant income and assets.

Subchapter V - Individual

Streamlined Process
Offers a more efficient and cost-effective alternative to traditional Chapter 11.
Exclusive Trustee Appointment
Appoints a trustee to oversee the case and facilitate the repayment plan.
Creditor Approval Not Required
Allows for plan confirmation without creditor approval, subject to court approval.

Debt Negotiation

Debt negotiation is a non-bankruptcy alternative that involves working with creditors to reduce the amount owed or establish a more manageable repayment plan.

Lower Debt Balances
Negotiate with creditors to reduce the total amount owed.
More Affordable Payments
Establish a repayment plan that fits your budget.
Avoid Bankruptcy
Prevent the negative impact of bankruptcy on your credit report.
Personalized Solutions
Tailor debt negotiation strategies to your unique financial situation.

Chapter 11 Individual

Chapter 11 bankruptcy, while commonly associated with businesses, is also available to individuals with substantial debts and assets. It allows for the reorganization of finances and the development of a repayment plan to satisfy creditors over an extended period.

Traditional Chapter 11 - Individual​

Comprehensive Reorganization
Enables individuals to restructure their finances and repay debts over time.
Asset Retention
Allows individuals to keep their assets while repaying debts.
Creditor Negotiation
Provides an opportunity to negotiate with creditors for more favorable repayment terms.
Suitable for High-Income Earners
Ideal for individuals with significant income and assets.

Subchapter V - Individual

Streamlined Process
Offers a more efficient and cost-effective alternative to traditional Chapter 11.
Exclusive Trustee Appointment
Appoints a trustee to oversee the case and facilitate the repayment plan.
Creditor Approval Not Required
Allows for plan confirmation without creditor approval, subject to court approval.

Debt Negotiation

Debt negotiation is a non-bankruptcy alternative that involves working with creditors to reduce the amount owed or establish a more manageable repayment plan.

Lower Debt Balances
Negotiate with creditors to reduce the total amount owed.
More Affordable Payments
Establish a repayment plan that fits your budget.
Avoid Bankruptcy
Prevent the negative impact of bankruptcy on your credit report.
Personalized Solutions
Tailor debt negotiation strategies to your unique financial situation.

Why Choose LSS Law for Your Bankruptcy Needs?

Choosing LSS Law for your bankruptcy case means getting more than just legal representation; you gain advocates dedicated to guiding you through the complexities of bankruptcy law. Our attorneys, with their deep understanding of the process, provide personal attention and are ready to handle cases in Fort Lauderdale, Miami Dade, and throughout South Florida.

Experienced Legal Advocacy

Attorneys with in-depth knowledge of bankruptcy law.

Personalized Attention

Each case is handled with the care and attention it deserves.

Strategic Planning

Developing individual strategies for unique financial situations.

Support from Start to Finish

Assistance from the initial consultation to the final debt discharge.

No-Cost Strategy Session

Answering questions and clarifying options at no cost.

Goal of Financial Freedom

Aimed at removing financial burdens and starting anew.


Available for consultation in various South Florida locations.

Request Your No-Cost Strategy Session

Don’t let the weight of overwhelming debt hold you back any longer. Contact us today at (954) 466-0541 to schedule your free consultation and take the first step towards regaining control of your financial life. Our law office is ready to help you turn the page and start a new chapter in Fort Lauderdale, Miami Dade, and throughout South Florida.
Request Your No-Cost Strategy Session

Request Your No-Cost Strategy Session

Don’t let the weight of overwhelming debt hold you back any longer. Contact us today at (954) 466-0541 to schedule your free consultation and take the first step towards regaining control of your financial life. Our law office is ready to help you turn the page and start a new chapter in Fort Lauderdale, Miami Dade, and throughout South Florida.

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